Fuera de stock Quick view Zebra office dock Office dock, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, 1x HDMI, 1x VGA, 1x Audio, 1x ethernet, 1x RS-232 order separately: power supply, power cord, fits for: L10 495,00 €
-23,13% Fuera de stock Quick view Zebra Single Slot Battery Cradle Kit Single Slot Battery Cradle Kit, includes Battery Cradle, Power Supply and an additional Battery, order separately: Power Cord, fits for: L10 Series 358,54 € -23,13% 275,61 €
Fuera de stock Quick view Zebra soft handle Soft handle, incl.: passive stylus, fits for: L10 (XLATE, XBOOK) 121,97 €
Fuera de stock Quick view Zebra battery charging station Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord (UK), fits for: L10 244,20 €
Quick view Zebra battery charging station, 1 slot Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord (EU), fits for: L10 243,93 €
Quick view Zebra shoulder strap Shoulder strap, order separately: soft handle, carrying case, fits for: L10 26,72 €
-5,88% Fuera de stock Quick view Zebra Service, 5 years Zebra OneCare Select, 5 years, 3 days TAT, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, Commissoning and Dashboard, fits for: L10 693,58 € -5,88% 652,80 €